Hello Justice Makers!

What an amazing year we have experienced. So much good work has been done in the Newport community, statewide, and in the larger world.  Channing is in the heart of the action when it comes to creating a world with more peace, health, and equality.  Letter writing, rallying and testifying at the State House, supporting green living and fair trade: all the courageous acts by Channing’s adults are seen by our congregation’s children and youth! They watch us live out our principles and following up on what is taught in our Religious Education classes. 

RE ministry with our children is also justice work.  The Giving Tree, Our Whole Lives classes, Faith in Action Sundays, Crop Walk, Food Pantry collection, and other initiatives, embody the strong connection between the Social Action, Green Congregation, Interweave, and Religious Education programs. It also just the beginning of what we can do to guide our young people toward a hopeful vision of their world and give them tools to be the change they want to see.

Rev. Jennifer Hamlin-Navias writes, "If we are to be a force of justice in this world, we must be actively creating a lived vision of justice.  We must be actively creating a community that nurtures the soul of all adults and children.  We are teaching our children and learning with our children, that there is a way to be in this world that is different from the mainstream. We are teaching our children that we can stand on the side of love.  We are teaching them that when we love we create opportunity for justice to happen.  We are teaching them that there is a different way to be in this world and they are taking that with them to the playground, the cafeteria, on the bus, ...standing up to the microagressions that grind down the soul."

I invite you to combine your passion for justice with RE ministry.  You can bring your gifts to RE through teaching in a class, working on an event, or being part of the visioning for RE next year.

Next fall, we offer two curricula for junior high youth that I think would connect with your justice centered sensibilities, “Heeding the Call” and “Our Whole Lives.” Heeding the Call needs a team of leaders to bring justice work alive for our youth. You can read about the curriculum on the Junior Youth page here.  Our Whole Lives is a comprehensive human sexuality program providing accurate, developmentally appropriate information to help youth make values based decisions about their relationships based on self worth, responsibility, sexual health, justice and inclusivity. The class already has fantastic leaders, but could use one or two people as support next year connecting with Youth Pride RI, Planned Parenthood, and other resources. here are also congregational events to support or create, like a Hunger Banquet, Standing on the Side of Love Month, or the youth group’s Sleep-Out for the Homeless.

Please check out and sign up for the volunteer opportunities that will connect your skills and passion with a new generation of change makers!

Thank you!

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    by Halcyon

    Halcyon Westall was Director of Religious Education at Channing Memorial Church 2006-2013.


    May 2013
    March 2013

